

BoNesis: a Python-based declarative environment for the verification, reprogramming, and synthesis of Most Permissive Boolean networks

Published in CMSB, 2024

Recommended citation: S. Chevalier, D. Boyenval, G. Magaña-López, T. Roncalli, A. Vaginay, L. Paulevé. BoNesis: a Python-based declarative environment for the verification, reprogramming, and synthesis of Most Permissive Boolean networks. CMSB 2024: 22nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, 2024, Pisa, Italy.

Synthesis and Simulation of Ensembles of Boolean Networks for Cell Fate Decision

Published in CMSB, 2020

Recommended citation: Chevalier, S., Noël, V., Calzone, L., Zinovyev, A., Paulevé, L. (2020). Synthesis and Simulation of Ensembles of Boolean Networks for Cell Fate Decision. In: Abate, A., Petrov, T., Wolf, V. (eds) Computational Methods in Systems Biology. CMSB 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12314. Springer, Cham.

PhD topic

PhD in computer science for a systems biology issue: modelling of regulatory mechanisms.

I contributed to a method for automatic inference of discrete dynamical models of biological interactions governing complex cell behaviors, called BoNesis. It allows to model regulatory mechanisms of biological processes with complex dynamic properties, such as cell differentiation, by taking into account knowledge on thousands of genes.


This modeling confronts prior knowledge on interactions with observations along the process to model (bulk/single cell gene expressions, perturbations, mutations…). It can then enumerate all Boolean networks reproducing a complex behavior (under mp semantics), e.g. cell differentiation. It can also be used to help select relevant nodes among a large prior knowledge network (e.g. from public interaction databases).

Method based on Answer-Set-Programming.
